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Irma Schiele's Commission piece featuring black bird with golden mask
Irma Schiele's Talavera Kitty


The Process

Irma offers a collaborative experience which is carefully curated for each individual and the success of the final artwork requested. To inquire about commissions please fill out the form below and express your interest. While you fill out this form, consider including your expectations regarding size and subject matter! If there are particular art works found throughout Irma’s website that have inspired your ideas for a commission do not hesitate to reference them. 


Irma will contact clients directly via email to start collaborating on the potential outcome of their vision. This is where each process will vary and Irma can start providing concrete insight on the artwork and the vision requested.


“I’m impressed with how professional everything’s been, it’s made the process super enjoyable from my end”  - Chas 
Irma Schiele's Commission piece featuring black bird with golden mask
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